April 30, 2012


I know there are not too many of you who read this thing.. but I need your help. I'm attempting to make my blog wonderful.


So, I have created some drafts of headings that I could possibly use.

all I need you to do is leave a comment telling me which one is your favorite! :)

Or tell me they suck if you think that they all do. Be honest.

This first one is inspired by Regina Spektor. I love Regina Spektor so so so much. SO MUCH.

 "This is how it works: You peer inside yourself. You take the things you like and try to love the things you took. And then you take that love you made and stick it into some, someone else's heart, pumping someone else's blood." ♥♥

 Inspired by my favorite color. I love purple. AND VIOLETS ARE NOT BLUE. Okay, some are.. but Violet is PURPLE.

I am a physics major... enough said.

Also, since I love peanut butter so much I thought that I could come up with something catchy using peanut butter. Like "The Peanut Butter asdkfjas;lkdjfiwer;lj." Oh gosh that is super lame. HELP ME.

&&& Remember these are DRAFTS

Share your thoughts.





Anonymous said...

For sure How it Works... best one :)

Bree said...

I think I like the first one! Or the third one, that describes you to a t! :)

Wendy said...

Though I think all of your titles are cute I am personally cheering for "kaythanksloveyabye". It's so much more you and catchy and I think that would be perfect. Just sayin'.