My mom is so cute. Listen to what she has done for me this weekend.. She let my dad take me on a date for my birthday on Thursday night.
We ate some nasty food at Rainbow Gardens. and some even nastier cake.
My dad called it chalk-late cake. cause it tasted like chalk.
Then yesterday, she took me to get a massage
and we had a movie night with my grandparents and Wendy and her cute boys.
This morning she took me to breakfast at iHOP and she paid for me to get a pedicure. She took me shopping for a few new accessories and items of clothing.
She pretended to take me to a BAR in order to get me out of the house so that half of my entire extended family could hide behind the couch and surprise me with a Bunko birthday party.
AND to top it all off... tomorrow, I get Better Than Sex Cake. :) mmmmm.
A big thanks to my family for spending their night with me, my sweet friends who came to visit me as well. And for all of the facebook Birthday wishes. It has been the best birthday EVER! :)
Here's the bar story: (:
I LOVE peanut butter. & we were driving toward Enterprise. There are no resturaunts in Enterprise and I was starving. My mom is witty!
"You're 19 now, I'm taking you to the bar to get a peanut butter burger."
"Mom, I can't go in the bar!"
"Yes you can. You just can't drink."
"Dad and the boys are going to the Priesthood Session and we're going to eat at the bar."
"I heard they have great peanut butter burgers at the bar!"
"Who told you that?"
"A guy at my work..."
"One who has been in jail?!?!" (I was thinking about the fact that drunk people go to jail.And that my mom throws people in jail.)
"No the copy guy!"
My mom proceeded to tell me about the copy guy and his peanut butter burgers...
"I love peanut butter mom! We better really be getting peanut butter burgers or else I am going to be mad."
We pulled up to the bar....
You have to be 21.
I didn't want to trespass.. Especially not after a day filled with the spirit of conference.
So no peanut butter burger today.. Someday...
Today was a great day to turn n.i.n.e.t.e.e.n.