August 11, 2014

Stayin' Alive

That´s playing on the radio right now. And it´s totally appropriate.. These people really love America. 

Ready for some laughs?? So I´m sick right? Like I´ve been throwing up all day. It has been pretty horrible. Sadie, I feel your pain just a little bit. Hang in there babe. Go to the farmacy. Like I did. I asked for some drops that are supposed to calm your stomach. And I took them right there in the Pharmacy. And holy NASTY. They made me throw up. So the pharmacy lady tells me to run to the bathroom. So I´m running to the bathroom trying not to throw up all over all of the medicine and I made it. With ZERO time to spare. But I made it. And I guess... As I was Throwing up all of the contents of my stomach, The ladies in the front of the pharmacy start talking.. And guess what they were talking about??


Did you not see my name tag? We have got to get preaching the gospel to these people. First, our old dueño thought we were living with the Elders that were here before us and NOW the cute little grandmas think I have morning sickness.

I think NOT.

Am I really that fat??

Ha anyway. That gave us a few laughs for the whole day.

This week has been great.

I love my companion a ton. Hermana Juarez. 21 years old. From Peru (I just like the Peruanas) But she lives in Santiago CHILE!! So that´s been fun. :) I don´t think she lives in Corb´s mission but still... She is such a sweet heart-- on the days that Hermana Cuevas doesn´t call me. Ha She hates that... but I just miss my ALEX so darn much. We are getting along really well though and working really hard. It´s been really good for me to have someone to keep me going!! She helps me be better and I think that I help her too. We´re just working on having more inicitave to do things without me asking her. Ha...

WE MOVED!! Apartments. We used to live right next to the freeway on the 5th floor and it KILLED us. And the birds pooped all over our clothes when we hung them out to dry. Well on my companion´s clothes. Poor thing.

You should have seen the help that we received. It was like Noche de Barrio. I swear just about the whole ward came!! It was incredible.

We are seeing lots of fun miracles everyday.

Like this week we made a contract with Richard and Yiseli to read AT LEAST 2 pages of the Book of Mormon EVERYDAY and I promised to do the same in Spanish and Hermana Juarez is reading in English. Well.... The scriptures are TRUE because Richard came to church this week. BY HIMSELF. Miracles.

So I have now restarted the Book of Mormon in Spanish for the 5th time. Ha I love Nephi!! He is such an example of obedience and diligence. And I love how the Book of Mormon teaches us that if we obey, the Lord WILL bless us.

Lourdes and her brother Juan came too for the first time in FOREVER. And they were so happy and grateful that we have been helping them.

Yesterday was my companion´s birthday and we ate with the Familia Almada. At least 5 families wanted to give us lunch yesterday. And we got 2 cakes!!

I love having members that are so excited to help with missionary work!

This week we met Nicole. I think it was this week. She is the friend of Vanessa Veloso. And I love them both so much. We had such a powerful lesson with them about our Individual Worth. 

Remember the Worth of Souls is great in the sight of God.

And we talked about The Atonement. And how Christ loves her so much. He sacrificed His life for HER. It was incredible to see how the spirit spoke through us and that we were able to help her to understand her worth. She came to church too.

We met Carolina who we taught about Baptism. She asked US if she could be baptized.

It´s incredible the work of Salvation. 

I love being a missionary so much. It is so incredible to be able to see the way the gospel changes people´s lives. It´s been a long week but one of the best of my mission.

The cherry on top came in the form of a telephone call on FRIDAY.

The asistents went to Marcos´ baptism in CB and they called me. But it wasn´t them talking. It was HIM!! Oh goodness you have no idea how happy that made me. I asked him if he was wet.. and he said, nope not anymore. Ha but he was so happy and so PERFECT!! I could hear the light of Christ in his voice. And he told me that the church is true in English!!

Even though I couldn´t be there, I am so happy for the part that I have had the opportunity to play in Marcos´ life and in the lives of these people. I know that it´s not me doing the work. But by me being willing to succumb to the will of our Heavenly Father. He has been able to use me as a tool in His hands.

And we can all be tools in His hands.

I have really learned this week that I am NOT strong enough to be doing this. I have had to really rely on my Savior and His spirit to guide me and to keep me going. And the thing that has helped me the most is the way I have been able to feel His love for me this week.

It´s been amazing to see that as I have prayed to have the ability to love these people even though I´ve left parts of my heart in so many places, The Lord just keeps giving me more love to share. It is incredible the Love that He has for us.

I know that the church is true!! That it is lead by Jesus Christ Himself and that He lives to help us here as we bring more souls unto Him. 


Hermana Rupe

No pictures this week cause my camera died and I had to buy a new charger. But next week I promise!!

Incredible is my favorite word. Can you tell that my English vocabulary is GONE??

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