March 31, 2013



Today, I am twenty years old.

There were 20 candles on my birthday cake. I feel so old.

I also feel so blessed.

Today, I got to share my day with a very special occasion.  I love that my birthday is always close to Easter. The Easter season always seems to help me to put life into perspective. With every year of age, I am able to reflect on my life and remember my Savior and all that he has done for me. I love Him. I love the Atonement and I am so thankful for it. I am so blessed that every few years, Easter Sunday comes on my birthday. For without my Savior, I would not have a  birthday to celebrate.

The true meaning of this day is far more lovely than 20 candles on a chocolate cake.

"He is not here, but is risen. ."  -Luke 24:6

I am so thankful for this day.

Happy Easter all. ♥

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