May 6, 2012

Utes Super PAC

Hey friends.

In a recent facebook discussion, one of my dear friends deemed me the Oprah of Facebook.

His words exactly: "I don't have a twitter account.. Utes Super PAC does! Karlie if you love me back, you will post this article up on your wall. If you do, everyone who knows you will like my page. Because you are like the Oprah of Facebook. And everything you post is the Oprah book club. And those books get read! Oh and like my page please :) ♥ you."

I love my dear friend Joshua Connor Mines.

And I am honored to be considered the Oprah of facebook.. Even if it is only in his mind.


READ THIS ARTICLE pleaseeeee. :) link

Also, you should go follow his new twitter account. @UtesSuperPac 

tweet tweet. (I still can't believe you created a twitter account, Joshua.-- even if it's not technically you because it really is you.)

&& Like his facebook page.

AND maybe read about his interview with a writer from Politico here!

Honestly, I really don't understand what is going on with all of this stuff. I have read the article and it sounds really great- it's just too complicated for me at the moment. I'm working on being more involved in politics.

I am proud of Josh for doing something so completely out of his comfort zone- social wise (ie twitter). He is very much in his element with all of the politicalness of this.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Well, I'm so glad you posted this. It's pretty darn cool and I plan to repost on my blog. I think it's great and very brave of Sir Josh. Give him a high five for me. If I had a twitter account I would follow, but I don't. Nice work Oprah.