May 13, 2012


My mom is my very best friend in the whole entire world.

If you have read my blog more than once, you should already know that.

Let me tell you why I love my mom so much. I could write 10 years worth of words but I just don't have time to do that so here is the shortened version.

My mom and I butted heads a lot when I was younger. I think it was mostly because I was a little punk and I liked to cause mischief in my middle school years.

But I quickly grew out of that phase of my life.

There was a time that my mom told me that she couldn't trust me. I will never forget how horribly I felt that day but even more scarring was the pain that I caused my mom. I knew that I hurt her badly and from that day forward, I swore to never put my mom through such pain EVER again.

& I don't believe that I have ever hurt her like that since.

My mom always has my back.

She sticks up for me when no one else will and she is always on my side as long as I am on the right side!

My mom is the first person I call when anything worth talking about happens to me.

Sometimes I even call her when I don't have anything important to say.

She just listens to me

& she gives me good advice.

She loves me & I love her.

I am so thankful for the relationship that I have with my mom. It kills me when I talk to people who don't have good relationships with their mothers. I am very blessed to have the mom that I have.

It's been a long time coming.

We've had our ups

and we've had our downs.. Like when I was a little punk in middle school.

I did some stupid things but my mom never gave up on me. Even now, as a poor college student, she continues to believe in me even when I may not believe in myself. She is my strength and she is what keeps me going.

All I want in life is to make my parents proud. That's all.

& I am so blessed to have parents who are proud of everything good that I do. They make it so easy to strive to be my best. I love my dad so very much, but today is my mom's day. I am blessed to be able to say that I have the best mom on earth.

Happy Mother's Day, Mommy.

I love you infinity Swedish Fish,


May 6, 2012

Utes Super PAC

Hey friends.

In a recent facebook discussion, one of my dear friends deemed me the Oprah of Facebook.

His words exactly: "I don't have a twitter account.. Utes Super PAC does! Karlie if you love me back, you will post this article up on your wall. If you do, everyone who knows you will like my page. Because you are like the Oprah of Facebook. And everything you post is the Oprah book club. And those books get read! Oh and like my page please :) ♥ you."

I love my dear friend Joshua Connor Mines.

And I am honored to be considered the Oprah of facebook.. Even if it is only in his mind.


READ THIS ARTICLE pleaseeeee. :) link

Also, you should go follow his new twitter account. @UtesSuperPac 

tweet tweet. (I still can't believe you created a twitter account, Joshua.-- even if it's not technically you because it really is you.)

&& Like his facebook page.

AND maybe read about his interview with a writer from Politico here!

Honestly, I really don't understand what is going on with all of this stuff. I have read the article and it sounds really great- it's just too complicated for me at the moment. I'm working on being more involved in politics.

I am proud of Josh for doing something so completely out of his comfort zone- social wise (ie twitter). He is very much in his element with all of the politicalness of this.

May 3, 2012

Summer is here, finally. ☼

YAY!! I'm all done with school!

Last day in Physics with my best friends,
So bittersweet.

It's officially summertime...

                 Too bad it's a bit chilly today.

Where did the sun go?? :(

 ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼     ☼

So, funny story.

I was studying for STATS last night. I got out a notebook and flipped through the pages in the back to find a blank one to write on and I found this:

hahahahahahahahahahaha. Read the CONS list for Maple Valley. 
                                                 -far away from campus
                                                 - .  .  .  .  .  .  .  

Once Upon a time, I liked this boy named Bradon. 

     One day (actually lots of days), Bradon made me angry because he wouldn't be my friend, so I deleted him on facebook. My logic: He won't be my friend in real life, so why should we be 'friends' on a website? We shouldn't... DELETE.

I feel like I made a healthy, justified decision in deleting him from my list of facebook friends. I tend to stalk people and it has helped me to not even have the option of stalking him.

So, since we're not even friends on facebook, I decided that posting this picture ^^^ wouldn't be a big deal at all because he would never even see it and even if he did, it wouldn't really matter because we already are NOT friends. 

I didn't even think about the fact that I am friends with all of Bradon's friends/roommates/FRIENDS on facebook and that they would most likely find the picture and show him... They did.

I know this because:
a) Colton Crump liked my picture
b) Westyn Griffiths liked my picture
c) Westyn Griffiths commented on my picture
d) He said: "Did the foot doctor help you make this list??"

            That is super funny because I go to a foot zoner sometimes. She works miracles. Her name is Markelle. Talk to me if you want her to zone you. Seriously, she is wonderful. BUT the boys like to make fun of me because I can't eat certain foods anymore because Markelle told me not to. So, when I used to hang out with those boys, Westyn used to always tell me that I couldn't do something or eat something because the foot doctor said so. It was funny.You probably had to be there.

& because I talked to Britney about it!

She told me that she was hanging out with Justin last night and he was dropping her off around one (a little while after I posted that picture-ish) and Bradon called him. Bradon told him to come see "something funny on the internet."

It may have been something else that was funny, but we are pretty sure they were laughing about my Pro's and Con's list and the fact that Bradon is on it.

He's only on it because I wrote it a month or so ago.. The wound was still deep back then. I'm pretty much over it by now. PRETTY MUCH.

And that is the end to my funny story of the day. 

ohohoh. JUST KIDDING! It's not the end. 

I'm pretty sure Bradon has been cleaning the Business building with one of my dear friends or probably they just cleaned it once. I don't know. --Those boys should really be more selective about the things they say around Brit. Not that she gossips or anything, BUT we're best friends & SHE TELLS ME THINGS.--

I must say that I have absolutely no right to be jealous or mad either.. I did date Dallin before I dated Bradon. That's almost worse.

The topic only came up because we were talking about my facebook post and I wondered aloud if Bradon was dating anyone yet.. So Brit told me that he hung out with a girl named (I'll protect this name for now because I love her so much!) & I just about died cause I'm good friends with her. Funny stuff. :)

Anyway... They (Bradon and my friend.- She is so adorable) actually would be a cute couple.  Minus the fact that I'm pretty sure she's taller than him. That bugs me kinda when I'm dating people but hey, some people are okay with it. If it works, it's works. Right?

I hope they get married. I honestly, seriously hope they get married. It would make my life so complete. :)

Also on the agenda for the day:

No more finals. 
[for me at least. Brit has two more tomorrow.]
Zeppes is our thing. We get the Gelata in a kid's size.
We also went to Noodles and Company for a change. :) SO YUMMY.

And now I am blogging.

B and I are starting to pack up our room. It's super bittersweet. I am pretty sad about it. I am going to miss her SO much. Also, I think I might miss my crazy roommates a little bit. Especially Ashley. (WEIRD, right? She was the one that I had the most problems with) 

We have been getting along great over these past couple of weeks. 

It's too hard to hate.

I really believe that sincere kindness, selflessness and service can and WILL cause miracles.