February 13, 2012


Over the weekend, I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the Bear Lake Training Center for a fantastic 1.5 day retreat with my beloved A-Team. I really am so blessed to be a part of the A-Team. Each and every person on the A-Team is wonderful and I am so lucky to be able to interact and to work and grow with them over the next year. I can't wait for the summer and all of the wonderful memories to be made and all of the fun times that we will have.

Everyone on the A-Team is so interesting! We were given an assignment to come up with a one minute little diddy to introduce ourselves to the rest of the team. I was amazed at how different we all are from each other and how individual every single person was. My friend Amy has stretchy skin. I don't have stretchy skin! I can't play the guitar. I can't sing. I've never traveled to another country... The list goes on and on. By the end of the night I felt rather inferior because everyone on the A-Team had come up with some amazing, interesting facts about themselves and all I was prepared to talk about was my fear of fish and my love for my family.


I explained my obsession with Peanut Butter. To make myself sound more unique, I explained that I enjoy eating peanut butter with pickles on occasion and I even brought a jar of pickles and one of peanut butter for everyone to experiment themselves. When the day was over, that's all I really had to show for myself. I presented a bunch of information that most people know about me because I have never really taken the time to recognize my uniqueness. 

"I'm 18. Utah State University. Class of 2015.. I think! :) Education is the plan. Probably Special Education AND Elementary Education. I really love my family. They're number 1 on my favorite things list. I'm not a big deal. At all. I love people who are nice to me. My mom is my best friend in the WHOLE WORLD. My middle name is Rochelle. I'm deathly afraid of fish. My favorite color is PURPLE. I HATE SNOW! I wear too many bracelets and I can't concentrate on the conversation if the radio is on. I'm kind of a really awkward person. I'm in love with pictures, I have them hung up everywhere. I don't like making decisions when I don't have to. So right now my toenails are painted 5 different colors. I'm the girl who believes prince charming exists somewhere out there--and it will totally be worth the wait once I find him. and I will live HAPPILY.FOREVER.AFTER. The end."

I've always believed that the paragraph above pretty much sums up everything about me, but really-- IT DOESN'T. Those facts are somewhat boring and everyone knows them about me. Sadly, I have never really taken the time to think of interesting things about myself. Which is LAME.

So, I have been inspired, and I have been keeping a list of interesting facts about myself in my phone. Every time I discover something randomly interesting about myself, I jot it down on that list. I have learned that I am an interesting person and that there are lots of things that make me different. And most of those things make me the person that I am. I really am pretty cool.


I have a freckle on the inside of my left pointer finger.

I was born with black hair.
            Which soon became strawberry blonde and remained that color for the first few years of my life. Some people still say I have a little red left on my head.

I can't whistle.

I can't wink.

I can't sing.

I CAN play the piano.
       & I CAN dance. 

       I can't dance on demand without making up choreography and looking like I am trying WAY too hard.
                      I choose to pretend to be dance illiterate at dance parties. It's a shame, really. 
I should change that.

I like to rhyme.
       all of the time.

I have a slight obsession with ordering books and other things, but mostly books, off of Amazon.

I refuse to leave this world before I meet Regina Spektor- in the flesh. I guess I could meet her in the next life, but it will be more of a challenge in this one, so that's what I am aiming for.

This is my favorite Regina song of all time. It makes me so incredibly happy. :)

This little activity has been quite the confidence booster for me! It may seem silly but I have learned a lot about myself which in turn has helped me to learn to love myself more than before. I am going to keep adding to my list and sometime in the future I will write another post about how legitimate I am as a person. ♥

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