January 19, 2015


It´s always tough to get used to a new companion...

But I really like Hermana Zambrana. She´s not as crazy as Hermana Torres. But we get along well and she keeps me good company and we are working so hard!!!

She is the cutest little thing. Brazilera from Cordoba Argentina. FINALLY, someone is helping me lots with my spanish. :) She has a bit more than 6 months in the mission and she is full of energy...

And... dun dun dun. So am I!! It´s a miracle honestly. I don´t know where all of this energy came from. :) The prayers are working, people. Thanks a million!! :)

This week was full of contacting and showing my companion around the area... We found a ton of new people to go visit this week. Let´s hope we find time to go visit all of the people that we have contacted.

We found the cutest group of pre-teen boys this week!! Justo I had forgotten my Jenga game, but we made the Restoration work with some cups and knives. :) These kids were just so darling. They all go to a different church but they are the best of friends. And something told us that we should ask them about their beliefs... Every single one agreed that we better have 1 church because there is only 1 God. The church is TRUUUEEEEE!!! They believed everything we said about Joseph Smith and they all went running to ask their parents for permission to go to church.. They didn´t get the permission, but we will be visiting each of their houses. 

There is a reason that the Lord was always blessing the children. They get it! :)

But old people are fun too. :)

One of my favorites that we met this week is Carmen... She´s like 80 something years old and she looks like she´s 60. She walked to the super market hoping to buy a bunch of food... because when you buy a ton, they take you home for free in a car... BUT the car man wasn´t there, so she had to buy a little bit and walk it all home.. Well her little bit was super heavy and we barely caught her in our eyes, but the two of us saw her at the exact same moment and we offered to help. She invited herself to church. :) And when we passed by to visit her last night, she didn´t have time to let us in, but she remembered that she hadn´t gone to church... We´ll get her there this week once we´ve actually had time to teach her something.

Barbara is also super excited to come this Sunday. We have a cita with her tonight because we went last night while they were watching Soccer. Now, I know that it´s almost impossible to get Argentine men to shut off the soccer game. So we decided that it would be better to come back a different day. We talked to Barbara for a second to make sure that she is still as excited as ever. And she is.. :) And I kindly asked her boyfriend to shut off the TV so that we could pray. He obeyed, we prayed and chao... When we got down the stairs, my companion looked at me, wide-eyed.. HOW DID YOU DO THAT??

Do what?? She raaaavvvvvvvved about how I got an Argentine man to shut off his soccer game. :)

The Spirit works miracles. :)

I had the most spiritual experience yesterday as I gave my improved Sunday School class. Hello, gathering of Israel. Basically it´s just a fancy title for MISSIONARY WORK.  So we talked. And talked about how God can´t do this without us. And I thought for a second... This branch really needs a spiritual motivation to do misionary work.. And I thought about how missionary work has strengthened my spirit. And as I bore testimony of how I have seen my testimony grow as I have had this time to share the gospel, not a single sister in that room had dry eyes. :) I know it wasn´t my words that touched them. It was the spirit. Really, honestly, the Lord gives us certainty of the things we believe when we share them with others.

I love the temple... This week, the members got back from their temple trip and yesterday, they all bore testimony of the temple. Ayayayay!! It was so beautiful. The temple is the house of the Lord and I am so grateful for it! Not to be totally excited to go home or anything, just I am really excited to go to the temple. I could totally say hey, President LaPierre... Can I just go home for a week? Do a few sessions in the temple? Hug my friends and family and come back?? That would be the best!! But it´s not possible... So while I´m here I am just going to take advantage of every single moment that I have left. :)

Which is why I have to cut it short this week.

Sending all of my love and all of my prayers. 

Hermana Rupe


Remember my first investigator, Maria?? Yeah I found her in the terminal this week... Tender Mercies.
My companion loves braiding my hair. And now I am obsessed and I suffer when she doesn´t have time to do my hair in the morning. Beauty is pain... And comfort is braids.
We bought mandioca.. :) And peeled it in the kitchen. I love Paraguay..
And I love waterfalls. I have something fun planned for every p-day that I have left... :) Yay for waterfalls!! :) I felt like I was back home in the mountains today.
Our prepared group of young men!! :)

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