January 26, 2015


The Hardest Thing...

Let me tell you a story. I don´t know if it´s a little too soon or not, but it happened this week, soooooo....

My companion was looking for a song and she only has her music on a flashdrive so in order to find the song, she had to go through all of her other songs. And this wasn´t the song that she was looking for, but she decided to stop on one. :) And ask me to translate it..

Now, I love translating songs because it makes me feel cool that I can listen to it and that each time the artist pauses for a second, I can speak the translation. Sometimes it doesn´t go too well but I´m getting good. And I was doing so well translating this song. Until......

It all hit me. In exactly one month from yesterday, my life is going to drastically change as I will have to leave this strange land that I now call home.

My companion is the cutest thing. When I said that I couldn´t do it, she thought that I couldn´t translate because the song was singing too fast but then the waterworks started and she instantly came over to give me the biggest, most needed hug. 

My legs are dying. My veins are exploding and my legs are uglier than I thought they would be at age 80. The sun is frying my face and I am super sick of the food here.

But I would not change these moments for ANYTHING. 

We are working so hard here! Seriously, so hard. And I love it. I don´t care what anyone says, I know that I am giving this my very all. No one came to church yesterday and we are not planning any baptizms in the near future unless a miracle happens. But I am busting my butt and we are helping people to feel the spirit each and every day.

This week, we decided that we needed to go to Soberbio... Which is a city outside of San Vicente where there is no church... 

Hello Pioneers!!! We met the coolest people out there. It was so fun to just be able to hand out folletos and Books of Mormon and to be able to talk to everyone about the church because everyone was curious.

We even found a family.. I´m pretty sure they belong to one of the reformed churches. But they were so interested and so happy to listen to us.

We cooked tacos with our chef investigator Juan Pablo.. And Im going to teach him my barbeque chicken sandwiches this week. :) Yum yum.

We have a cita with Barbara tomorrow and we are banking on her eating everything up. So send lots of prayers for her!!

Ah there is so much more but lady is closing the cyber early so I have to go...

But the church is true!!

Hermana Rupe

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