I woke up to snow. That was awful. I hate the snow and I hate the cold. Winter is the worst. I love the Holiday Season and the love and the spirit that it brings into my life. Sometimes, the cold just interferes with the warmness that should be Christmas.
Church was wonderful today. I loved listening to the choir sing so many beautiful Christmas songs. Also, Temple Prep is the most wonderful thing. Britnee's Visiting Teachers came over tonight and gave us a beautiful Christmas lesson. Even though I hate the winter, I am so excited to be able to go home and to love my family and to spend time with them. I love my Savior and I am so grateful for this time of the year that we have set aside to think about Him and His birth, but most importantly to remember to always keep Him by our side no matter the season or time of year.
I pray that I will be able to keep Him with me throughout this week....
Honestly, I hate that this day is ending because tomorrow means FINALS.
The worst semester of my entire life is almost over and I honestly don't think I can wait much longer. Thank goodness my last final is on Wednesday. FOUR finals is so not fun. Bleh.
I feel like this is one MILLION percent accurate...
-Gotta love our Asians. :)
I also feel like no matter how hard I study, no matter how much effort I put forth, I am incapable of making a difference in my scores. It's like the professors predetermine how sucky you are going to be throughout the semester and there is no way of changing your fate once it has been chosen for you. This one time, {three weeks ago} I studied my bum off for my 3/4 midterms. I did worse on those than I did on my midterms which I didn't study for at all. Hmph. That seriously happens every single time.
I just may receive my first ever FAILING grade this semester. That is no fun. I'm sick of studying already, but I must press forward and kill this week. {before I drop dead myself.}
Also, maybe it doesn't help that I have watched LITERALLY every single 'I'm a Mormon' video in English on YouTube today. They were wonderful though.
This one is my favorite.
I'm creepy and I stalked Sarah on facebook and I emailed her.
Hopefully that's not the weirdest thing in the world and hopefully she appreciated my gesture. I just admire this couple so much and their sweet daughter is beautiful! I had to let her know that I thought she was darling. Also, her house is fabulous.
I was going to do some crafts today but my finals are seriously freaking me out so much that I decided to take a nap instead. haha.
I wish that I could go home right now. I'm ready for some quality family time for sure!
Happy finals, finally.